and They Aren’t All From Salespeople!
For those of you who read my previous post, Why Salespeople Are Suckers For a Great Sales Pitch, you would know that I can be a sucker for a pretty face and if that person has a great sales pitch, I’m likely to buy whatever it is that they are selling.
On the contrary, I have zero tolerance for a lousy sales pitch regardless of whether it is coming from a real salesperson or just the average joe trying to sell me on an idea. Here are some examples.
The Worst Pitches From Salesmen:

1. “Do you realize how much money you could be saving?” A Mercedes salesman asked me when I drove into the dealership with a Honda Civic and told him I was also considering a VW TDI. He clearly didn’t have the slightest clue about how to qualify a buyer.
2. “You should buy from me because we know so many of the same people.” A chemical salesman who stalked me on LinkedIn and even contacted a former employer of mine! Can you say, overstepping boundaries???
3. “You must buy today because the sale is over tomorrow.” Volkswagen salesman standing in front of a sign that said the sale was over at the end of the following month.
4. The Robot Pitch. Where someone has clearly memorized a script and when you ask them a question that isn’t on their list, they draw a complete blank or just repeat the script.
There are many others including “This product makes you thin, healthy and cures cancer!” or “This is the only product you’ll ever need!” and the list goes on and on and on…
So, what is the worst pitch I have ever heard and yet hear time and time again?…Drum roll please!

Men who try to “sell” me on why I should be a lesser person.
Yes, that’s right. It’s a sad but true reality. As a hard-working, well established professional woman who takes care of herself, I find myself completely bewildered at the number of men who have tried to convince me to do such a crazy thing!
Below are some real life examples of what some “men” have suggested to me over the years.
Worst Pitches From “Men”:

1. “You should quit your job and become a bartender. You like people right? I think that would be a better fit for you.”-
Oh sure, sign me up to quit my six figure job and sell my house so I can rent a cheap apartment and be a bartender! F*&% retirement! Retirement is for old people. Oh wait, does that mean I can live off of you ? That would be so romantic. I can’t wait for a man to take care of me!
2. “You don’t need to make so much money. You should slow down. It will be better for your health.”
Excuse me, did you mean to say, “So you can make less than me and make me feel like a man?”
3. “Why do you like to eat such good food and have nice things like your Caesar salad and red wine for dinner? You don’t have to.”
Hmm…let me think about that one. Maybe because I like nice things, want nice and I buy those nice things for myself with my own hard earned money. Thank you for asking.
4. “Why are you dressed so nice? You shouldn’t dress so nice all of the time.”
Uuh because I like to look good? Maybe I was trying to look good for you? Can you say, jealous much?
5. “Why do you have to travel so much? Are you running away from something? There is so much to enjoy at home.”
Where do I even start with this one? How about I want to explore the world? Why waste it on the couch? Do you mean to say that you can’t afford to travel and you don’t want me to travel solo so you want to talk me out of travelling period? Maybe I should consider running away…from you!
These comments may seem ridiculous but I must say that when I first met these men, the primary interaction often does not start off on this note, but rather with a bombardment of compliments and expressions of admiration for my ambition and accomplishments. The tone usually changes quite quickly. One guy I dated had this eureka moment and told me, “You treat yourself like a princess and that doesn’t leave any room for me to do anything. I don’t know what to do.” In my mind, I think the fact that I can take care of myself should be viewed as a perk to a man but perhaps only to a select few!
Why do men think that they can “change” a strong woman into a weaker version of herself? Or rather, generally speaking, why do people think that they can change others?
The answer is simple: Because it’s easier to try and “sell” other people on changing themselves than it is to accept yourself and make yourself a better person.
Whether we realize it or not, we are “selling” to others and others are “selling” us every day of our lives. We all try to get what we want, to make ourselves look good, funny, interesting, worthy of attention and so on and so forth. Whatever it may be, whenever you do it regardless of whether it is in a professional or personal capacity, a good rule of thumb to live by is:
Don’t sell yourself short and don’t sell others short.
I would love to hear stories from you about the worst pitches you have heard!
Happy sales my friends and don’t get sold on a bad pitch, especially those from non-sales people!